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Looking back on 2021 and my plans for 2022

I don’t often write these kind of reflective posts to wrap up the year, but since I usually do a personal recap just for myself at the end of each year, I thought this time I could share a part of it.

Looking back

2021 was a very challenging, tough year for all of us, and to be honest right now it looks like the worst is yet to come, pandemic-wise. I think we’re all at the point where we don’t want to talk or hear about this anymore, but unfortunately it’s still there. On a personal level, I went through a very challenging year, and I didn’t feel very creative or energized over long stretches in 2021.

But – I’m still happy to have had the chance to work on two larger projects, one of them will be carried over into the next year. You have already seen glimpses of my research in my recent sketchbook tours (part 1, part 2).

And, despite limited time and energy, there were quite a few blog posts and that always means lovely interaction with you! I shared my folk tale landscape project with you in 2021 (there will be another video soon), I put out a class about sketchbook composition and layout that I feel has covered many important aspects on how to make your sketchbook pages look great, I quit social media (again + for good), and I completed my seasonal nature journaling classes with a class on sketching in summer. I also started to draw in ink, which is something I would like to explore more, and recently, I tried to explain why birding (and sketching birds) is such an integral part of my life.

Looking at my sketchbook subjects, I’m excited that I rediscovered drawing orchids and meadow butterflies as a subject. I learnt a lot about these local species this year and I intend to further my studies. I also had numerous wonderful bird encounters: with white storks, red-backed shrikes, sparrowhawks, ravens, yellowhammers, dippers, a kingfisher, fieldfares, grey wagtails, goldfinches, of course my local sparrow buddies, and so many more. I hiked a lot through the beautiful landscapes of Northern Hesse (the part of Germany where I live), and it truly is a fairy tale landscape in a lot of places.

Looking forward

In 2022, I would like to return to creating more sketching classes for and with you! This is something that I have missed and I hope my schedule will make it possible.

I’m thinking of a foundational drawing class that runs over several weeks and will really allow for some intensive learning – with weekly reviewed assignments and the possibility to dive deep into one topic. I feel basic drawing techniques are often overlooked when it comes to starting a nature sketchbook (or really any drawing activity), but these skills are really at the core of building a good visual vocabulary, and they will help you become a much better artist and observer.

Of course I’m willing to give you what you are most interested in – please let me know if you’re interesting in such a longer class and the topic, or what else is on your wishlist. I also always have a few loose ideas for shorter, more informal classes, like drawing animals in ink, or sketching with a limited palette, and these will surely be realized when I find the right time!

I’m still working on one larger client project at the beginning of next year, and if all goes to plan it will be wrapped up in late winter and I will have time to explore new teaching plans then.

For spring and summer, I’m planning to visit a lot of the protected meadows in the area with orchids and rare butterflies, and I hope the next year will also bring more opportunities for plein air landscape sketching (something I really missed in 2021). I intend to document my expeditions here on the blog.

Of course, more bird watching and sketching is always on my list, and I’m always striving to get better at my drawing and painting techniques, and to share my insights with all of you out there. I also would love to share more (art- and nature-related) books that I’ve read on this blog, so hopefully that will be something I’ll write about.

I’m sure somehow all of these things will happen, despite the slower pace I’ll have to establish due to (chronic) health issues I’m dealing with. If there’s something I’ve been reminded of this year is that taking breaks and doing things more slowly is really necessary for me. It also means seeking out unconventional routes, and not doing things the way everyone does them or is expected to. I’ve always tried to apply this to my business and to my life in general.

As I’m looking outside today, it looks like the world has retreated under an icy blanket of frost, and it seems like a good point to wrap up the blog for this year.

I really hope you have enjoyed this year’s journey through nature with me, friends and students and colleagues and everyone, and I’m looking forward to the next creative year with you! I want to give a heartfelt thanks all of you who have supported my work through my classes (it really is what makes this blog possible in the long run), or who have shared their experience through an email or comment on the blog. I really value all of your support and input!

I’ll be back in January, and until then I hope you’ll have a happy and healthy time. My best wishes to all of you out there!

Thank you for reading this blog! It'll always stay free. To keep it going, you can support my work directly through a donation or through my nature sketching classes.

Tips for creating great nature journal pages 1
Tips for creating great nature journal pages 1

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32 thoughts on “Looking back on 2021 and my plans for 2022”

  1. Thank you for your end of year message.
    A foundational drawing class really interests me. I am just starting to spend time drawing.
    This is something that I have been interested in since a young child and now have the time and willingness to devote to it.
    Merry Christmas and I wish you a Healthy and Happy 2022.

  2. Thank you for your lovely posts this year and your thoughtful words regarding 2021.
    I look forward to continuing reading your advice and yes I would be interested in a basic drawing class.
    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Ruth

  3. Thank you for all your posts this year, they have been wonderful and inspirational, particularly the bird related ones – my favourite painting subjects. I wish you a very Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2022

    • Thank you Angela! Birds hold a very special place in my heart, too, and I will probably never stop sketching them. My best wishes to you for 2022!

  4. Hi, Julia. I subscribed to your channel just a few months ago and have learned so much. Still do. Thank you for sharing your skills and your sentiments. I feel like I’m talking to a friend every time I watch your videos.

    May you have a meaningful holiday season with loved ones and a fruitful year ahead of you. And I hope your health issues will be resolved in due time.

    • Thank you so much Connie, I really appreciate it and I’m glad to hear you find my blog and videos helpful. Best wishes to you for 2022!

  5. Although I cannot sketch anything more than a stick person ( I’m a photographer) , I wanted to take the opportunity to wish you a happy new year and thank you for your interesting blog and thoughts shared on quitting social media, which I’m also trying to do. Beautiful and inspiring art!

  6. Thank you Julia,

    I enjoy your blog very much. It is always interesting and insightful. My best to you in 2022 and I hope to take one of your classes this coming year.

    • Thank you very much Jane, my best wishes for a creative 2022 and I’m sure we’ll see each other in one of my next classes. :-)

  7. I really enjoy your blogs and skill share posts. A foundation course in drawing would be wonderful…I also like to use my pens a lot so a class dedicated to pens and drawing would be wonderful.

    I kick started my desire to take up sketching with your wonderful mushroom class and then the butterfly class….there are so many aspects to watercolours to explore….all so exciting.

    Have a wonderful Christmas

    • Thank you Janey! I’m hoping I will find time and energy for all the things I’ve planned. I really like drawing in ink, so that one will definitely come! Happy Christmas and a great 2022 to you!

  8. Hi Julia, I really enjoy these informative, inspirational posts, and this one was very thought provoking also. I, too, would be interested in a foundational drawing class, over a few weeks would be nice, but only if recorded, i seem to have to squeeze my class time in whenever. especially in the spring, I prepare taxes and am at the mercy of clients bringing their tax work. I particularly enjoyed the blogs on the birds and plan to take those classes soon. All the sketching classes are on my list too. Thank you for all your hard work and your generous sharing spirit. I hope you are feeling better soon. I had 3 bouts of bronchitis and a breakthrough case of covid in 2021, so totally understand about energy depletion. Take care and be well.
    Thanks Fran

    • Thank you so much Fran for your kind words and wonderful feedback, I will definitely try to make a longer class as accessible and time-friendly as I can, even if there are assignments. :-) I really hope you recovered well and I wish you all the best for 2022!

      • Sigo esperando sus nuevas clases con Ilusion impaciente por comenzar. Aquí ahora hace tiempo frío para salir a dibujar al campo, aún así, es tiempo de avistamiento de aves en Cantabria, Marisma del Joyel y Victoria y observo los pájaros. Espero que se encuentre repuesta y haya recargado ideas. Un Abrazo

  9. I enjoy your posts, Julia, and I look forward to them all. I love birds and nature also, so anything that you like to paint or blog about is fine with me!

    Enjoy the holidays!


    • Thank you dear Eileen, that is the best kind of comment, I really appreciate you following along! All the best for you in 2022! :-)

  10. Julia, I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself and going at your own pace. Reading your thoughtful blog posts is something I look forward to whenever I receive an email from you. This past year I’ve taken several of your skillshare classes and enjoyed them all, especially the mushroom class and sketchbook composition. Classes I’d also be interested in are mushrooms part 2, bees, bugs, and squirrels.

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday and happy new year.

    • Thank you so much Jill for your kind words and the helpful feedback. Insects are a great topic for a class. I’ve noted all of your ideas. :-) All the best for you in 2022!

  11. I’ve really enjoyed your blog and thoughtfulness. A drawing class would be great for me, since I’ve never had one. Then perhaps I’ll be confident enough to try a butterfly or bird.
    Wishing you health and happiness in the new year.

    • Thank you Sharron for your feedback! That confidence will come bit by bit with practice, and I intend to base my drawing class around that. All the best for you in 2022!

  12. Thank you for your review and looking forward thoughts! This is a good reminder for me to do this as well. I really enjoy your blog posts and Skillshare classes! I would love to do a foundational drawing class with you (if it can be on Skillshare, as I love the format of a series of shorter videos that I can tackle in my pockets of time and still feel like I’m learning and moving my project forward!). I wish you healing and good health in 2022. Take good care! ~Karen

    • Yes, I find it’s a really helpful thing to do at the end of each year! Thank you for your feedback. :-) I will try and see how I can integrate the class into Skillshare’s system so that it’s helpful for self-paced learning. All the best for you in 2022!

  13. Dear Julia,
    Thank you for your blog posts. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. You write beautifully and the examples from sketchbooks are inspiring. I hope you do create a foundational course!
    All my best wishes,

    • Laura, thank you so much for your kind words! It looks like there are enough people showing interest in a drawing class, and I also really want to create one. :-) All the best for you in 2022!

  14. Hi Julia,
    Thanks for your generosity sharing all your experience and thoughts!
    I am doing your bird sketching class in skill share and very much enjoying it…
    and yes, a drawing foundation class would be great!
    Hoping you had a healthy good start in 2022 and all the best for this New Year!
    Saludos desde Suiza,
    Adriana :-)

    • Dear Adriana, thank you so much for your comment and the feedback, I’m very happy to hear you’re enjoy the bird class! :-) I’m already working on the drawing class, so it will definitely come in spring. I hope you’ll have a very creative and healthy year ahead of you!

  15. Hi Julia,
    Thank-you for being so generous with sharing your artistic skill, techniques and examples! I really enjoyed your bird drawing and watercolour class on SkillShare, and look forward to the foundational drawing class in the spring!


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